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Gorgeous Smiles Dental

Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction in Massachusetts and Connecticut

At our practice, tooth extraction is considered a last resort. Our skilled dentists will perform the procedure if necessary, but only after exploring all other options. Our dentist will refer you to a trusted oral surgeon if a surgical extraction is required. We prioritize preserving natural teeth and strive to provide compassionate, comprehensive dental care to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Is tooth extraction always necessary?

A dental extraction is a straightforward procedure where a tooth is removed from its socket. Our dentist will ensure your gums and teeth are numb, and you may feel slight pressure as the tooth is gently loosened and removed. Our team will provide thorough care and guidance to ensure a comfortable experience and optimal healing after the extraction.

What is the cost of a tooth extraction?

At our dental office, tooth extractions are generally straightforward, but the cost can vary based on the complexity of the extraction. After a thorough examination, our dentist can provide you with an estimated cost during your appointment. If you have dental insurance, your extraction may be covered under your plan. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to schedule an appointment and discuss your specific situation.

When is tooth extraction the most appropriate choice?

Tooth extraction may be the most appropriate option when a tooth is severely damaged, decayed beyond repair, impacted, causing overcrowding, or posing a risk to oral health. Our experienced dentist will thoroughly evaluate your condition and recommend whether tooth extraction is the best course of action. We prioritize preserving natural teeth; tooth extraction is considered a last resort when other conservative treatment options are not feasible or effective.


Are you experiencing severe pain due to a badly broken tooth?

If you suffer from severe pain due to a badly broken tooth, it may require prompt attention. Our dental team can assess the severity of the break and recommend appropriate treatment options, including tooth extraction or other restorative procedures. We prioritize patient comfort and oral health, and our experienced dentists are here to provide timely and effective care to relieve your pain and restore your dental health. Contact us for an appointment if you are experiencing severe tooth pain from a broken tooth.

Are you experiencing significant pain due to severe tooth decay?

If you are suffering from significant pain caused by severe tooth decay, it may indicate a serious dental issue. Our dental team can assess the extent of the decay and provide appropriate treatment options to alleviate your pain and restore your oral health. Prompt intervention is crucial to prevent further damage and discomfort. Contact us for an appointment to address your severe tooth decay and receive personalized care from our experienced dentists.

Are you experiencing jaw pain due to impacted wisdom teeth?

If you suffer from jaw pain, it could be due to impacted wisdom teeth. Our dental team can evaluate the positioning of your wisdom teeth and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include extraction of impacted teeth to alleviate your discomfort. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, swelling, and other oral health issues, and early intervention is crucial to prevent further complications. Contact us for an appointment to address your impacted wisdom teeth and receive personalized care from our experienced dentists.

Ready to book an appointment?

Book a consultation today or make an appointment using our convenient online appointment scheduler.

Open Hours

Monday - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Tuesday - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Wednesday - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Thursday - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Friday - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Saturday - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Sunday - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

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